今天我毕业了!/ I have graduated today!

毕业了!非常感谢我的爸妈一直以来对我人生和经济的支持。感谢我的朋友们,能遇到你们是我的幸运。感谢 David 一家(美国高中时候的住家)。感谢我的老师们。感谢主。总之我非常开心能以 3.97 的 GPA 顺利毕业,也希望在即将开始的研究生学习里能更进一步!下面是一些现场的照片。 =============================== I have graduated today! It wasn’t easy, but I’ve made it! I want to thank my parents for their continued support on life matters as well as on financial matters. I also want to thank my friends who offered all kinds of help when I’m in need. I’m very lucky to be friends with all you nice guys/gals. Thank you David and your wonderful family where my journey in the States begins.

本科最后一场期末考/ Last Final in Undergrad… Done!

今天考完了本科最后一门课的期末考。谢天谢地题目不是很难,至少不影响毕业(笑 4天后就是本科毕业典礼了。虽然参加过同学的,但是自己站在上面肯定又是不一样的体验。期待这天的来临。 临近毕业了,有很多想说的,但又什么都说不出。也许毕业典礼后会有更多想法吧。在那之前,容我好好的放松几天~ ============================================================== Just finished the last final in my undergrad career today. Thankfully the exam wasn’t too hard, at least they won’t get in the way of my graduation lol UG graduation convocation begins in 4 days. Though I have attended my friend’s graduation convocation, it must feel quite different when I’m actually standing on the stage. I’m looking forward to that day. Got a lot in my mind as the graduation’s coming close, but I don’t feel like talking right now.

QSKM Devblog #1 – Early Prototype

Hello there! Since my last announcement to rewrite SKM, I have dedicated some time to research the possibility of porting SKM to Python. It turns out to be quite easy with PyQt, a Python wrapper for Qt framework. After learning some PyQt basics (shout out to Jan Bodnar for this great tutorial), I attempted to recreate the old Java implementation in Qt Designer. The result? Quite satisfying! Screenshot of Qt Designer with early prototype UI I was pleased by all that different kinds of ready-made widgets and a wealth of options I can tinker (which means… less code!

An Important Update to the SKM Project

[This notice was originally published under GitHub repo of SKM on Nov 17, 2018.] Thank you all for your support to the project. As you can see SKM in this stage is usable, but missing a few promised functionalities. Recently I skimmed through the project files and I can tell the way the project is structured makes it extremely difficult to maintain or modify. Since the SKM started while I am in sophomore year of college (while I was young and naive… lol), there are a few very bad practices in the code (like bad separation of concerns).

如何用 Valet 轻松搭建 Laravel/PHP 测试环境

Laravel 是当下最流行的 PHP 开发框架之一,当我们在迁移开发环境或者邀请新人加入开发的时候测试环境的设置是必不可少的。除了耗时耗力的手工安装配置各个依赖项(Web 服务器、PHP、MySQL 等),一些打包好的安装环境,比如 Laradock 也十分受欢迎。Laradock 固然强大,但是对于我们已经有 project 的情况来说,Laradock 的配置反而比较麻烦,我个人研究了一下午愣是没弄出来。有时候我们也不需要 Laradock 提供的各个功能,比如 Redis、Beanstalkd 等,只需要一个简单的 Web + PHP +数据库的组合用来开发或者debug。这个时候 Valet 就是你的最佳之选了。 Valet 使用 dnsmasq(Linux/macOS)或者 Acrylic DNS(Windows),将 *.test 域名定向到 Valet 自动为你配置好的 nginx 实例中,从而实现本地的快速部署。Valet 原生支持多个 PHP 框架,包括 Laravel、WordPress、Jigsaw、Symphony、静态 HTML 页面等等。 本篇教程适合 Linux 和 Windows 环境。macOS 用户可以参照官方说明文档。下文默认使用 MySQL 数据库。 1 准备工作 从 Git/U盘/NAS 等地方下载你想要开发的网站。下文假设我们把网站复制到 C:\Users\Kazumi\Documents\mysite文件夹下(Linux 用户请自行脑补 Linux 的文件夹) 安装 PHP 从官网下载并解包最新的 PHP 执行档。在这里我下载的是 VC15 x64 Non Thread Safe Linux 可以直接用包管理软件安装 PHP 或者,你也可以使用 Valet 官方写好的 PowerShell 脚本自动安装 PHP 并设置 Path 变量,但是我没有测试过。(需要用管理员身份运行 PowerShell) Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned; [System.

Some Lessons Learned Towards the End of 2018

Hi guys, it’s been a while since I wrote anything personal. To be honest I am trapped between some serious laziness and increasingly demanding course work this semester, and I just didn’t feel like writing while the school is going. In fact, I haven’t posted about my trip to Hawaii (which took place in January this year), nor I am certain if I will post about it since it’s been almost a year, and some memory faded away.