
今天我毕业了!/ I have graduated today!


毕业了!非常感谢我的爸妈一直以来对我人生和经济的支持。感谢我的朋友们,能遇到你们是我的幸运。感谢 David 一家(美国高中时候的住家)。感谢我的老师们。感谢主。总之我非常开心能以 3.97 的 GPA 顺利毕业,也希望在即将开始的研究生学习里能更进一步!下面是一些现场的照片。


I have graduated today! It wasn’t easy, but I’ve made it!

I want to thank my parents for their continued support on life matters as well as on financial matters. I also want to thank my friends who offered all kinds of help when I’m in need. I’m very lucky to be friends with all you nice guys/gals. Thank you David and your wonderful family where my journey in the States begins. Thank you all my K-12 teachers and college lecturers/professors, your lectures have (or have not) inspired me but regardless you are all amazing people and taught me how to be a better person. Finally thank God for answering (most of) my prayers and I don’t think I can come this far without your blessings and protections.

I am excited to graduate with 3.97 GPA and I hope that I can advance myself even further in the upcoming master’s study!

Below you can find some pictures taken during/after the convocation. Shout out to my dad & my friends for those amazing pictures!

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